
Welcome to the Earthquakes & Weather website where you can learn ‘Dutchsinse‘ earthquake forecasting on this easy to use website purely for study.

This website will always be under construction! The creator of this website is Sue, illustrator of the red arrows in Dutchsinse’s map and his moderator in chat.

I sometimes make an appearance in the chat room, but not as much as I want to and used to due to focusing on helping share, promote and teach his project outside of the chat room.. and of course my own work commitments!

Please browse around for information. Latest blog information will be on Facebook.

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Earthquakes and Weather
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 36 reviews
 by You are very inteligent and most times need within yourself to prove yourself...however from what i have observed you WILL be able to show more soles
Without doubt in proving your insite with knowledge of your GREAT STUDIES. MAYBE YOU DO NOT REALIZE YOU ARE SAVING MANY LIVES WHICH ARE SOLES. YOU !

Haist not and look beneith your reason...for he is here and giving him the fate... For Iest am the fate and the ground is hasten forgot in that you will feel thi charictor and fear not but be just

Dutchsense is blessed with forsight whitch will not be matched take heed in thuscthe record has been writen in these padgesvwith have been Thothed with the truth. Seek the truth Dutch....nomatter the cost.

Quinn 12

 by Luceita

Spot on!

 by Debi Smith
Sue! Thank YOU So Much

I have been looking for Exactly what you have here on your page! Oh I feel like I have found the Oasis I have been looking for~ I have missed Dutch so much! He is the Best and Knows his stuff more than all the bozo's that mock and hassle him! I miss him so much and I Really want to keep up with all this~ Thank you SO SO Much

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