Good news! I have managed to sort out Facebook so that now I am back on the Facebook Page to post. Hopefully this will be all Facebook need to authorize my Page publishing.
My next battle is a new law introduced in my country that I need to check on. Dutchsinse‘s work is at high risk for being labelled as ‘Fake News’ or a conspiracy theory. As governments around the world are often in battle against the media on the internet to protect people who can be vulnerable to misinformation. I can fully understand their concern for protection, but unfortunately this means information here on this website and the Facebook Page is at risk for falling under these categories whilst Dutchsinse’s methods are not yet proven in today’s science which can easily be mislead to being deemed as fear mongering.
This is why I choose to word texts very careful to not induce any fear, but earthquakes are not an easy topic.. This is also why Dutchsinse focuses on educating and self research on his work and I see this as priority before judgements are made.
I would hope the reviews on the Facebook page are enough evidence and I may set up an interactive page on this website for reviews to be made for documentation.
The battle goes on…